In Ayurveda & Chinese Medicine, the year has not 4 but 5 seasons. Between the summer & autumn, rests ‘Ritu Sandhi’, the Indian summer which is characterized by the sweet abundance of harvest, beautiful orange sunsets, and a sense of goodness in life.
This Indian summer is perhaps one of the most powerful seasons, as it’s brief and prepares us to move from the height of summer into the darker months of the year. It’s central peak is at the Fall Equinox on the 22nd of September. A magical time to gather for a nourishing & balancing Autmn Equinox Women Retreat here on our land in France, where trees will be heavy with ripe figues, apples, pears and the crops golden.
I warmly welcome you, dear wild & wise woman, to join & celebrate this sweet & nourishing time (18-22/09) together while practising earth & womb yoga in nature, enjoy mantra evenings around the fire and take time to balance & heal the body, mind & soul.
The Autumn Equinox is the spiritual energetic apex of the summer. An auspicious time in which the Northern & Southern Hemisphere receive the sun’s rays equally and where day & night are equal in length.
It’s a time centralized around “balance”. To balance the light & dark, to release what’s no longer serving and to fill up and focus on with what’s nourishing for the next months ahead. In Ayurveda it’s a time to balance the pitta of the summer with the cooler winds of vata of autumn.
And that’s what this Equinox Women Retreat is all about: finding balance through grounding in nature, celebrating the sweet abundance of fresh fruits & nourishing home cooked meals, practising earth based yoga & embodiment practices, resting deeply with yoga nidra’s and meditations, and off course the healing medicine of sisterhood, Mama Gaia & the circle.
Practical details Equinox Abundance Women Retreat
~ 18-22nd of September, 2021
Location: Treigny, about 1.5hr below Paris. (train options)Price: 345€ (sleeping in tents), 365€ (sleeping indoors) 395€ (1 glamping option in our beautiful renovated 54 year old campervan Betty!!)
*A full refund will be made, in case Covid would make this retreat impossible.
What to bring: tent, sleeping bag & mattress, your own yoga mat. (We have some extra tents & sleeping bags if you don't have them) Spaces indoor are limited, so don't wait to long with your booking if you prefer a bed :)
What will be provided: Nutritious, healthy home made vegetarian meals filled with love & fresh ingredients from our garden & environment, herbal teas, fruit and snacks. Eco toilets & shower.
For more info & booking:
In every indigenous culture women used to come together in ceremony during the Equinox to give thanks for the blessings of the land, to find a new direction, plant seeds & re-energize their intentions.