Are you ready to reclaim your health & deepest feminine essence? Join me now dear sister…
Next Womb Wisdom Program starts 17 October!
I invite you today, to radically embrace the fullness of who you are! To celebrate & explore the joy & magnificence of living in a woman’s body. To come home in a sacred, nourishing, revolutionary, spiritual, embodied, down to Earth feminine spirituality anchored in:
~ the timeless & healing medicine of women gathering
~ seasonal, cyclical, lunar wisdom as the cosmic roadmap to understand your inner ecology
~ menstrual cycle awareness: our internal tides of the via positiva & negativa & inner seasons
~ a body literacy unveiling every aspect of our female anatomy, including pathways of birthing, creating, healing, sensual pleasure & sacred sexuality
~the ancient tantric Shakti Wisdom Goddesses, sacred mantra’s & teachings
~herbal wisdom, nutrition & plant medicine
~ Womb Yoga: a contemporary feminine embodied yoga, designed by & for women, honouring our feminine anatomy, seasonal changes and every stage in womanhood
This transformative offering is rooted in the ancient medicine of women gathering in circle, weaving themselves back into a deep belonging & understanding of our innermost temple, the Yoni. Through ancient Shakti Goddess teachings, Feminine Embodiment Practices, Womb Yoga and Revolutionary Holistic Feminine Science, this program will gift you with an education that is your birth right, a gracious feeling of living in flow with your womb & inner nature, and a powerful transformation as you start to reclaim your womb-world as your inner compass of truth & authentic self expression.
This 10 week Womb Wisdom Journey is a deep invitation for you to reclaim your deepest feminine essence, to awaken the incredible instinctual & intuitive wisdom of your womb and to anchor yourself into a deep understanding of who you truly are. Your own unique womanhood intertwined with the currents & cycles of Mother Nature. This course is for any woman of any age or stage in the womb-life, as lunar living and creative expression doesn’t stop with menopause or having a physical womb.
This Womb Wisdom Course has a limited amount of seats to allow for individualised attention and to generate a deep intimacy within a safe & feminine sanctuary. In case you cannot attend all LIVE ZOOM calls, all sessions will be recorded, and you will have life-long access to all the resources & womb library.
Energetic investment: 555€.
>>>! Discount for you
Until Friday the 30th of September you can sign up with the early bird price of 499 euro instead of 555 euro (you can also pay in 3 monthly terms of 167 euro instead of 185 euro)
If you have any questions about the Program, just reach out to me by e-mail (click on sign up button) or schedule a FREE 30 min ZOOM call with me!
My deepest wish is for every woman to have access to the education that is her BIRTH RIGHT! If you feel called to join, but find yourself in a situation of being unemployed, single mother, or need some extra support, then please do reach out, as I have some special payment plans and a 2 karma spaces.
This 10 week Womb Wisdom program is designed as an online personal healing journey held within the intimate space of an online circle & sisterhood. Each session will be an in-depth exploration of the inner seasons of the menstrual cycle, weaving the sacred & mystic from Eastern lineages with radical holistic feminine science. Each season is connected with specific inner qualities, tasks, physical & emotional challenges, hormonal changes & nutritional needs.
Each online session will be followed by a pre-recorded Feminine Embodied Movement practice, Womb Yoga, specific mudra’s and pranayama’s to enhance the gifts and reveal the powers of each phase of your cycle. The last 2 sessions offer an initiation on the Wise Womb Medicine Path to heal the root cause of menstrual difficulties and womb disorders, demystify our female anatomy and unveil the feminine pathways of pleasure, sensuality and sacred sexuality.
Times are changing!
My grandmothers never had this chance - this opportunity to connect with women from ALL around the world, beyond villages, cultures & countries. To share not just practices, wisdom, stories, reflections, but support, tears, joy & courage. To be part of an online global sisterhood is an absolute GIFT! At this tumultuous time on Earth, it is so important that we as women come together. We are needed right now to create a culture which is both Earth & Body Positive.
Read here what previous sisters say….
Detailed overview of each session (weekly LIVE sessions on Monday from 7.30pm-9.30pm Paris Time)
17/10: Exploring the Source “Garb Graha Temple” & land of “Yonisthana”
Intuitive, feminine, cyclical wisdom based on the inner seasons of the menstrual cycle.
Menstrual mala: Heart-Womb & Seasonal Yoga for every season & day
World as Womb, Womb as World: Cosmic, Lunar, Earth- Womb interconnection
Menstrual Cycle Tracking & Womb Journaling
Womb Manifesto & Feminine Sangha
24/10: INNER SPRING: Follicular phase – Budding/Birthing of the Flower
Exploring the Maiden archetype & Goddess Tripura Sundari
Follicular Phase
Menarche rite of passage
Dream time to nourish & grow
31/10: INNER SUMMER: Ovulation Phase – Flowering
Exploring the Mother Archetype & Goddess Bhuvaneswari
Ovulation & fertility
Mothering, nurturing & manifesting
Superwoman flow time: peak of creativity & sensuality
07/11: Integration session
Creative therapy feedback
Sharing personal experiences about Menarche & Inner Mother/Child
14/11: INNER AUTUMN: Pre-menstrual phase – Fruiting & Harvesting
Exploring the Enchantress Archetype & Goddess Bhairavi
Luteal Phase & Pre-Menstruum
The body calls you back: reflection, returning home, self-care
Discerning time: boundaries & no bullshit
21/11: INNER WINTER: Menstrual phase – Shedding & Re-seeding
Exploring the Crone Archetype & Goddess Dhumavati
Bleeding time & cleansing
Deep rest & letting go: honouring the blood, retreating & nurturing
Sacred temple of darkness: blood wisdom & insights
28/11: Integration session
Inner Critic & Visionary Woman - exploration 5 chambers of the Inner temple
Sharing personal experiences of pre-menstrual & menstrual phase
05/12: WOMB THERAPY: Healing menstrual difficulties & chronic imbalances
Exploring the endocrine & autonomic nervous system
Healing the root cause of PMS, PMDD, PCOS, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, …
Hormone Harmony Therapy through nutrition & herbal wisdom
Womb-GUT-Voice Connection
12/12: YONI TANTRA: Womb as Holy Temple of Creative & Sexual Power
Embodied Sensual Living & Sacred Sexuality
Sexual liberation & Kali Goddess of the Red Roses
Womb as Creatrix: anatomy of the yoni & pathways of creation
Kundalini Shakti: sexuality as a pathway of liberation & empowerment
19/12: Integration session
Sharing personal experiences with (chronic) hormonal imbalances & sacred sexuality
Closing ceremony
WOMB YOGA: Embodied Feminine Movement for each inner season.
The Feminine Embodiment sessions are an integration of yogic, cyclical & earth based practices to tap into your natural feminine essence, and create a deeper presence & loving relationship with your womb. Each session is designed to re-awaken the ancient natural wisdom & medicine woman inside of you. The womb yoga practices will assist you in cultivating a deeper ability of listening to the messages & insights of your womb.
Session 1: Sacred Heart-Womb Greetings (Hridaya-Yoni Namaskara’s), Mudra & Breath &
Session 2: Total Yoni Nidra
Session 3 : Gentle Flow to Awaken Spring & Goddess Lalita: playful dream time to grow & nourish
Session 4: Goddess Bhuvaneswari Summer Flow: dynamic radiance to manifest & create
Session 5: Great Mother Earth practice
Session 6: Restorative & Yin Autumn sequence: release physical & mental tension & Goddess Tripura Bhairavi
Session 7: Deep Nurturing Winter Practice: ease pain & enter the temple of Dhumavati
Session 8: Yoni Nidra for an easy & pain-free flow
Session 9: Womb Therapy Session: restore hormonal balance, GUT, adrenals & hormonal glands for feminine wellbeing
Session 10: Yoni steaming ritual
Session 11: Embodied Sensual Practice: awaken pathways of pleasure & creativity through feminine embodiment & dance
*The Feminine Embodiment sessions are pre-recorded and can be accessed in the Womb Wisdom Library, so you can practice them at your own timing and in sync with your menstrual phases.