1:1 Awaken the Goddess-in-me Coaching Program
Are you ready to rise into more of who you truly are? To start living out your what you have held into your heart for a long time? To no longer play it safe or stay in the shadows? I believe 2024 is a year in which many of us will step into their full power, living & walking the sacred path they came here to walk. Embodying your divine gifts, singing your sacred songs and birth your unique contribution to this earth. In this ‘Awaken the Goddess- in- me’ coaching program, I am there for you to listen where you currently are and offer you the support you need through calling in Goddesses archetypes for you as mentors on your journey of transformation. Goddesses are ultimate creatrixes, coming into your life when you are ready to leave the well-known and familiar path behind and step into something far more exciting and aligned with your unique soul!
Yet, stepping into your soul calling is often scary and requires a break down of everything that has held you back from doing so before. In this ‘Awaken the Goddess-in-me’ coaching program I am there for you to hold space for repetitive patterns or challenges, limiting beliefs, self-sabotaging behaviour, inner childhood trauma, patterns of inferiority, scarcity, self-doubt, shame… that are inhibiting you from living that awakened version of you. Goddesses are energy vortexes, like a sacred portal, holding a door open for you to break free from limiting beliefs and behaviour, while miraculously manifesting your desired life, often far more beautiful than you would have imagined yourself!
As a psychologist and spiritual seeker, I have come to the understanding that there is a bridge between mysticism, soul growth and traditional psychotherapy. And that bridge is within us, aka our womb and it’s vast intelligence and memory of times before us. As women, modern & contemporary, living in a complex, goal orientated and violent world, connecting with a goddess often feels far-fetched, airy-fairy, impractical, superficial or utterly foolish.
BUT, we see that she is returning after 1000’s of years to our human consciousness, calling women to reclaim their feminine power to restore balance in this world. When we look at all the mythical Goddess stories in the Vedic, Greek, Roman, African, Celtic… cultures, we see that all of these Goddesses were living in rather masculine worlds, often challenged by war, conflict, misuse of power, and the crises that follow the forgetting of the feminine values and wisdom of the earth as a Goddess. They rose to remember the Gods that life isn’t about control, power, greed, war and conquering more land. Exactly where we are now no?
GODDESS (noun): A diving feminine being who radiates her unique gifts into the world, stands in her Power, and creates possibilities.
A goddess is a woman who knows her worth, is in touch with her power and knows the art of receiving and allowing. Your inner Goddess has faith in your heart’s chosen path and will show you fiercely when you’re not walking it. She’s the one that whispers in your ear and tells you that you’re whole when you may feel otherwise. She’s the one who nudges you in the gut when something doesn’t feel quite right. She’s the one who trusts deeply in your body’s abilities. She’s the one that you’ve truly always been before you received programming from society that told you that you weren’t good enough. Are you ready to remember?
Is working with Goddess archetypes for me?
This coaching program is for you if you find yourself currently in a stand-still, without clarity where to go. If you not moving forward, and you keep feeling run over by your past, or in a battle with challenges. Maybe you’re feeling stuck in traditional therapy, or in your job or relationship. Maybe you feel the time has come to start living your dreams and want someone to cheer you on and keep you on track. Or maybe you’re going through a new cycle of life: pregnancy, birth, motherhood, empty nest, menopause, divorce, loss or grief…and would love someone to listen, guide and mentor you through these times of transformation.
Our feminine bodies & psyches are cyclical, and in any new transition we shift from someone we were before before into someone we haven’t fully become yet, a new upgraded version of ourselves. Changes can often be disruptive to who we think we are or were, overwhelming perhaps. Whenever we enter a new territory or cycle of life, Goddesses have been for 1000’s of years way showers to help us adapt to a new version of ourselves with their stories, wisdom, rituals.
Goddesses are archetypes, seen as psychic blueprints, showing us the multifaceted nature of a woman. Especially reminding us of psychic or psychological traits that we ourselves have forgotten, and feminine powers a patriarchal society doesn’t want us to reclaim. To practice with a Goddess is to see her as an energy centre, re-awakening her specific powers (siddhi’s) within ourselves, as an enormous creative catalyst for growth and transformation.
As a counsellor I came to understand that true healing goes beyond mere talk therapy; it involves empowering individuals to take control of their lives. As women we are powerful, but it starts with tending to ourselves. It starts with self love. And a woman who deeply loves herself and prioritises investing in herself as a way to change her world IS a GODDESS.
Over the years, I have started to implement Goddess archetypes into my counselling sessions, and witnessed the power to elevate or rapidly advance therapy. Once a woman has connected with a Goddess that radiates with her, we can start to detect the tools and practices of HOW to embody her.
We all came here to live out the play (Lila) that our soul has chosen and be the main Goddess in our own play. Yet, we often hesitate, we feel too small, inferior, we doubt ourselves and instead try to fit into a rigidity and structures that hold us captive as prisoners in a game that we don’t want to be playing.
The spaces for this Awaken the Goddess-in-me Coaching Program are limited to a very small number, to ensure you get all the support and Goddess wisdom that you need. We arrange the sessions at a time that is convenient for you, and in between you will receive support & practices through whatsapp or mail. If you feel called, please click the button below to have a FREE 20 min discovery chat to see if this program is for you!
My own path with the Goddesses
My own story is interwoven with the work of the Goddesses, yet started when I had no interest in them at all. My initial path of spirituality was a very traditional masculine one, a path of guru’s and discipline. Yet, during a 10 day silent retreat, I started to read the biography of a famous yogi with super powers, to be surprised that he dedicated all his prominent teachings to his mother. She was his real teacher, who taught him about real love, real bliss, real devotion.
From that ashram I started to travel to all the sacred Yogini temples in India. The Goddesses started speaking to me, guiding me in daily life and my dreams, healing pains in my body, opening up a radical new way of embracing my body and myself as a woman. Since then I completed many feminine spiritual trainings, studied with feminine mystic teachers about Goddess traditions of India, Tibet, Egypt, ancient Greece… My greatest mentor is the Goddess Kali Ma, who guided me from a severe chronic illness to the healing & wisdom of my womb, pushed me radically out of my marriage and miraculously guided me to my soul partner and daughter, which she showed me in visions long before I met them.
When I first presented the Wisdom Goddesses in my Womb Wisdom Program, many women were hesitant to that aspect of the program, yet afterwards confirmed they often made the greatest impact. When you decide to work with me, know that you work with them. They work through me and come intuitively, and even if one comes as a surprise, she knows exactly why she comes in this specific form!
My visit to the Chausath 64 Yogini’s Temple in India, a womb shaped temple with 64 Goddess, representing 64 incarnations of the Mother Goddess, Mahamaya.
You can be sure
She is awake
Summoned by the gods again
For battle
Perplexed by their own chaos
They quietly confess they need her
Now more than ever
To move mountains
Put out fires
End the endless fighting
And lay down their shame
For what they have created
For what they have destroyed
She knows what to do
Of course
She is the divine mother
The whole world her children
Their blood is her blood
Their tears are her tears
Her gaze is unyielding
Enough is enough, she tells them
And they know she is right
She is awake to a new reality
Where peace is possible
And the ever-present abundance of life
Shares itself everywhere for everyone
Fierce in her devotion
Their hearts are her heart
And so she stitches them all back together with tender hands
She speaks only of compassion, equality and beauty
She helps them remember why they are here
She gathers the sticks
And the stones
And all the greed and the hatred
She takes away the fear and the pride
And she smooths the way for kindness
For community and cooperation
For peace and harmony
For heaven on earth
Poem of Julie Freeman