The main source for physical or emotional suffering often comes from an inbalance between Yin & Yang energies. Chronic stress and a fast-speed ahead attitude builds up residues in our body such a blockages, pain, tiredness, headache, fear and anger. Joyful and healthy people know when to step up and speak their truth or move forward and when to be quiet, wait and restore their energies.
Join our new Yin Yoga season and master the Art of Relaxation, a skill where "being" is more important than "doing"
We starten weer met een nieuw seizoen Yin en Restorative Yoga op woensdag 9/09 van 20-21.30u en vrijdag 11/09 van 11-12.30u. De lessen gaan door bij Yoganic Moves in de Kunstenaarsstraat 118, 9040 St.-Amandsberg.